The mandatory legal notice regarding is provided on this page in accordance with the Law on Confidence in the Digital Economy (LCEN) of June 21, 2004.
Mandatory Legal Notice
Publisher Identification
TEKADOM • Picardie
53, rue des Remparts
80120 RUE, France
TEKADOM • Centre-Val de Loire
153, rue de Gabereau
45110 Châteauneuf-sur-Loire, France
Phone : 06 95 55 04 55
contact (at) tekadom (point) fr
TEKADOM is hosted online by the company Webportage (NODALYS sarl)
SIRET : 483 180 808 00030
VAT Identification Number : FR44 483 180 808
Code APE : 7830Z
Publisher Director
Website Design
Hosting Provider
Head office: ONLINE SAS – BP 438 – 75366 PARIS CEDEX 08
SAS with capital of 214,410.50 euros, subsidiary of the Iliad group
RCS PARIS B 433 115 904
Processing of Personal Data
As part of the management of this website, the information collected is subject to automated processing intended to manage responses to emails. It is solely intended for the publisher director.
In accordance with Law No. 78-17, known as the “Data Protection and Freedom” law of January 6, 1978, users of this website have the right to access, rectify, and delete personal information about them. They can exercise this right, under the conditions set forth by the aforementioned law, by sending an email from the contact page.
The publisher director reserves the right to place a “cookie” on the computer of any visitor to the site to record any information related to the navigation of their computer on the site, including, but not limited to, information about the pages visited and the dates and times of visits. Any internet user has the option to oppose the recording of this “cookie” by modifying their browser settings.
Administrative Status and Billing
Salaried Portage
TEKADOM operates under the salaried portage status. As such, it is a member of Webportage NODALYS, which handles the administrative management of its activity. The contact details are as follows :
Webportage (NODALYS sarl) RCS Salon de Provence : 483 180 808
Billing Address : L’Escapade Bât. E, Avenue Paul Jullien, 13100 Le Tholonet
Email Address :
Phone : 04 42 12 44 44
Invoices will therefore be issued in the name of webportage.
For more information, click on Webportage.
Information Provided
The information contained on the website is provided for the general information of visitors only.
Although the publisher director takes great care to ensure the quality and reliability of the information on the site, it is provided for informational purposes only, with no explicit or implicit guarantee of validity, completeness, or timeliness. As a result, the visitor acknowledges using this information at their own sole and unique responsibility.
The publisher director does not provide any guarantees regarding the availability or accessibility of the site, nor regarding the absence of viruses.
The publisher director will not be responsible for any temporary or permanent damages caused to the visitor’s computer system, nor for any potential losses or damages (including but not limited to loss of data or profits) that may be incurred due to:
- Accessing or navigating the site,
- Using the information contained on the site,
- Copying, viewing, or any other use of the site that may lead to legal or recovery proceedings.
The publisher director will also not be liable for damages resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party that led to a modification of the information published on the site.
Intellectual Property
Right of Reproduction
The overall structure of the website, texts, data, graphic elements, whether animated or not, videos, or audio files available on the site, are works and remain the exclusive property of TEKADOM or third parties who have authorized TEKADOM to use them. They are protected by intellectual property laws, particularly copyright, design and model rights, trademark law, and international treaties.
Therefore, any reproduction, copy, adaptation, publication, distribution, diffusion, and/or use, on any medium, of such content is strictly prohibited except as provided by law or expressly authorized by the publisher director. Failure to comply with these rules may result in civil and criminal liability for the offender.
Creating a Link
Any public or private website is authorized to create a link to the information published on without prior authorization. However, the pages of the portal must not be nested within the pages of another site. The publisher director does not assume any responsibility for the content of sites that link to the website. Anyone who downloads or collects information published on the site has only a private, personal, non-transferable right to use it. The information collected may only be reproduced once, either in paper or digital form. Any use of the collected information must mention the source.
Trademark Rights
The TEKADOM logo is a semi-figurative trademark (a combination of a logo and a name), and it has been registered with the National Institute of Industrial Property (INPI), with publication in the Official Bulletin of Industrial Property (BOPI) in 2016. :